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Hello, and Welcome!

This website belongs to Morgan Annika Laufey, a woman in her 20s (physically, at least) trying to survive a hostile world. One day at a time. Have a look around, links to the other sub-pages are at the top of each one!

I am finsexual, homoromantic, polyamorous, and a transgender woman! (With a bit of elfy vibes, I hope) My pronouns are she/her!

For a more detailed overview of my identity, check my PronounsPage here!

Check out my BFF and Semiplatonic Life Partner's site here!

Side Projects

Check out my custom PowerMac G4 CPU card, the Hella G4!

I've been working on a detailed write-up of the ATX to G4 power supply conversion procedure, a sort of commentary and mirror of the ATXG4 project through my own lens. You can find that information here!

For my repository of knowledge regarding the overclocking and voltage modding of Quicksilver G4 Single CPU cards, check here!

A Message

Trans rights are human rights, and our identities are valid. There is no room for debate or discussion, as there can be no fair conversation on whether I and others like me deserve to live, and be happy. The issues in our lives are always external forces, such as unsupportive communities, government oppression, and judgement from other humans. Not from within ourselves. The expectations of our parents, and the box we were placed in at birth based on the little bits of flesh between our legs before we were ever even close to having a voice for ourselves should not be the deciding factor in who we grow up to be. And shame on you if you believe that you deserve a say in the lives of others just because you don't like what we have to do to function normally.

-Annika LaFey~, 2023-2024